Brother Shahid (comment on
Jabal Uhud make over)
was blessed to be in Madinatun Nabi recently when he was told by his
guide that the word ‘Muhammad’ appears as part of the geographical
feature on the aerial perspective of Jabal Uhud…and Allahu ‘Alum…and
regardless of whether one can discern the noble name ‘Muhammad’, or even
‘Allah’ as some have also said, Jabal Uhud is positioned over one of
the gates of Jannah, SubhanAllah, and as Rasulullah SallAllahu alaihi
wasallam said, Jabal Uhud loves us and we love it…and as
previously written ‘Babul Jannat in its noble grandeur emanates such a glow (see Jabal Uhud glowing in
these photos)
and love’…and it is the mountain that trembled when the Prophet
SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman RadhiAllahu anhum
stood on it…the presence of the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, the
Siddiq, and two martyrs overwhelming it…such beauty Allah Ta’ala has
bestowed upon this Radiant City…such profound love He has for this small
area within His vast Universe…such a blessing to look upon it, whether
in reality or through photos…may the heart swoon not matter how we may
contemplate its grandeur…

…even though these three high resolution
images have been compressed for uploading the definition remains quite
clear…they are all aligned with north being to the top and south to the
this one includes the eastern lava track and to the west, left of the dissecting roads far left is
Jabal Habshi, where the Dajjal will stand with his army…
Uhud Shuhada area is directly north of Haram…with
the cave our Blessed Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasalam was taken to when he was injured during the battle, directly north of that…
…and how often this majestic mountain is mentioned in Ahadith, SubhanAllah!
JazakumuLlahu khaira to NB for sharing the following ‘Muhammad’ superimposed on Jabal Uhud. SubhanAllah!
All good is from Allah Ta’ala whereas mistakes are from this humble
speck. May Allah Ta’ala Bless all readers, bringing you all closer to
Him and His Rasul SallAllahu alaihi wasallam. May He accept our humble
efforts and grant us the capacity to be good and do good. Ameen.