100 Years of Earthquakes
1. April 18, 1906, San Francisco.
2. December 28, 1908, Messina, Italy.
3. September 1, 1923, Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan.
4. Quetta, Pakistan, in 1936.
5. Concepcion, Chile, 1939.
6. December 26, 1939 Erzincan, Turkey.
7. February 29, 1960, Agadir, Morocco.
8. Chimbote, Peru, 1970.
9. July 27, 1976, Tien Shan, China.
10. February 4, 1976, Guatemala.
11. September 19, 1985 Mexico City, Mexico.
12. December 7, 1988, Spitak, Armenia.
13. October 17, 1989, San Francisco, California, USA.
14. January 17, 1995, earthquake in Kobe - one of the biggest in Japan.
15. August 17, 1999, Izmit earthquake in Turkey.
16. December 26, 2004, earthquake in the Indian Ocean.
17. May 12, 2008, Sichuan earthquake, China.
18. February 27, 2010, Maule Region, Chile.
19. March 11, 2011, earthquake off the island of Honshu, Japan.

20. The biggest tsunami.