We know already that working for Google has certain advantages, but the search engine giant takes its employees welfare very seriously. Meals: Employees can consume all they want for free from a wide range of foods and beverages. Workstation: Each employee has at least two large screens. Innovations: large tablets are available everywhere because “ideas do not come always when you sit at your desk,” says one of Google’s managers. Pool tables and video games are available in many places. On each floor there are private cabin areas where employees can participate in their private business. Technical Support: If employees have computer problems they come to this place, and while it is repaired, the drinks are freely available. Health: Free professional massage. Relaxation: This room provides massage chairs that you control while you view relaxing aquariums. Ambience: There are many books in the library, even some about programming! For the third consecutive time, Google is the most powerful brand in the world, according to Millward Brown ranking.
As in previous years, Google is ahead of General Electric, Microsoft, China Mobile and even Coca-Cola. Google brand was evaluated in this top 86 billion dollars and Coca-Cola brand was valued at 57.2 billion dollars.

Regarding the benefits that Google provides its employees. What do you think are the advantages since you have been working on this company? Show some evidence of benefits that Google offers. A first big advantage is the professional work environment that we talked about just above. There are also the numerous benefits for employees. Any Google office offers three meals a day. The food is specially prepared by chefs who work for Google and are generally very tasty. At small intervals, Google organizes various events, local or international, which create a community. Many teams are divided for different locations. Google offers the engineers the opportunity to travel to another part of the team for better interaction. Some events are not related to programming, such as team building, which once in 3-4 months. -
Why Google is a true international success? What ensured this success? Factors that contributed to the success of Google as a very successful company in the world are numerous. My opinion is that among them are particularly remarkable mastermind of the founders, an innovative vision of the Internet and a conducive time to make this vision widely known in the whole world. The success was further ensured by a work environment which is most than non-conformist, urging as many innovative and unusual ideas. -
If you would receive a higher salary from another company that, would you quit your Google job? Motivate your answer. Supposedly there is reason to make me quit a job at Google. However, a higher salary offered by another company is not among those reasons. I evaluate the quality of a job not only in terms of the wage. Don’t you think that is more important to do what you like? So, no matter how big the salary will be, if you don’t accomplish your tasks with a smile on your face and being happy of what you do, then you do it for nothing. No one will accept just a better income, but an unpleasant job.
Specify the three words that describe the Google’s future or present, as desired. Google: professionalism, innovation and “out of the box.” How do you think the world would be without Google? I assume that if Google did not exist, there were definitely another company that could bring the same benefits. Or if not something quite similar to Google, then companies that could offer some services that, together, would form something similar to what is now Google.

Why did you choose Google? At that time, it was the coolest software company that could work. You had many opportunities and work with very smart people. It’s like all they invented something. This continues even today. What do you think are the benefits of working at this company? Show some evidence of benefits that Google offers. Environment seems important. Work with smart people. Also, the company style is not to announce products until they are ready. This helps a lot and not feel pressure deadline. The program is quite flexible. I do not like to wake up early. We also focus on work where we feel most productive and you can move between projects. Why Google is a true international success rate? What ensures this success? There are many theories, but to myself one of the most important is the simple interface and high speed response.11