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Saturday, 19 March 2011

Assemble of the OFFSHORE WIND FARM

Assemble of the OFFSHORE WIND FARM

In 2002 the world’s biggest offshore wind farm was constructing at the Danish west coast. The Horns Rev wind farm is sited 14-20 km into the North Sea, west of Blåvands Huk, & symbolizes the first phase in the Danish Government’s determined plan - to have wind turbines with a total capability of 4000 MW in Danish waters before 2030.
"The world’s first major offshore wind power plant has since December 2002 produced enough power to run 150,000 Danish households. Eighty 2.0 MW turbines from the world’s top wind turbine manufacturer Vestas are sited across a spot of 20 sq. km." (Source) With the Horns Rev development it will be possible to decide whether or not the Danish Government’s determined energy plan is possible. And whether or not the long-bladed Goliaths will stay alive the harshest of North Sea storms.


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